Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • How much will this service cost me?

    Nothing! It's free! 

    (Carpooling Project is paid for by state and local governments.)

  • Will my information be kept private?

    Yes. Carpooling Project will only share your information with your match. Also, we will only use your information to create a match.

  • What if my schedule and my match's schedule don't align?

    Check to see if there are any days in which they do align. Carpooling one day a week is better than nothing. Also, you can always email to request another match.

  • What if I just don't want to carpool with my match?

    Email and request a new match.

  • What should I say in my personal introduction?

    That's up to you, of course. But we suggest you keep it fun and friendly. Here are two examples: 

    - Jane is a schoolteacher. She is a mom of two crazy boys (Todd age 5 and James age 8) and a wife of one crazy husband (Kevin). She loves to hike, makes an awesome bowl of chili, and enjoys listening to new podcasts. Got any recommendations?  

    - Bob works as a civil engineer. He has read the book Goodnight Moon to his son, Sam, every night for the past month and can now recite it by heart. He is a big fan of the Kansas City Chiefs. Go Chiefs! 

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